Strategy and Story Telling

Leah Hurwich Adler
1 min readFeb 17, 2021


Ironically, the post about story telling is going to be another one without an ending….

I love problem solving. Thinking through the different rules of play to develop a winning strategy is incredibly rewarding. When deep in my problem solving bubble, however, I have never had to describe how I fit all the pieces together. I have come close when managing others. It’s much easier though to help others develop ways of thinking through a problem than it is to distill all the inputs I consider in my own day down into a single narrative around why I make the choices I do.

I’ve always been a believer in the theory that you learn closer to 10% of what you’re taught and 90% of what you teach others. Maybe in trying to think more macro and tell my own story I can reflect more effectively on my ways of thinking and better understand myself and what I can do differently (if I so choose).



Leah Hurwich Adler

I'm a senior technical product manager who loves learning about systems and understanding how technical details impact users' experience.